#!/usr/local/php/bin/php JLPT vocabulary lists
JLPT vocabulary lists

You can use this files freely. If you plan to use them in a software or Web site, please include somewhere the following information: "# Copyright (C) 2001 Thierry B�zecourt (http://www.thbz.org)" and tell me about it by sending an e-mail to kanjimots@thbz.org. I don't really care about licensing issues because this work mostly consisted in re-using external sources.

JLPT vocabulary lists

These are the complete JLPT vocabulary lists in UTF-8 format, as printed in the official specification book (Japanese Language Proficiency Test: Test Content Specification, The Japan Foundation and Association of International Eduation, 1994-1997):

The lists do not include translations. They are of course provided "as is". There may be a newer version, and I cannot guarantee this version is error-free. Please e-mail me if you find any obvious error.

JLPT vocabulary lists with English translations

Norbert Burger provides the same files with English translations taken from Jim Breen's EDICT file. Each of the following zip files contains three files:

[jlpt-voc-X.utf]The original vocabulary list
[jlpt-voc-X-extra.utf]The vocabulary list, including EDICT definitions, where possible
[jlpt-voc-X-error.utf]Entries for which Norbert couldn't find a definition
Peter van der Woude sent me a number of fixes to the JLPT 4 translations. Many thanks Norbert and Peter!

Philip Brown, author of KDrill, has converted these files to EUC for an easier integration into EDICT. Here are his files. Thanks Philip!


You may be interested in the version of these lists provided by PlaySay, which also has MP3 files and other resources.

You may also like the files available on the Web site of the Meguro Language Center : http://www.mlcjapanese.co.jp/DownloadFrame.htm. These files include English translations and look better when printed. However, they don't seem to be available in text format (i.e usable by a machine). If you need that, see Peter van der Woude's very Web site, which includes grammar samples.

Another excellent site is Charles Kelly's Test Vocabulary Lists with links to many online dictionaries.

For more information about the Japanese Language Proficiency Test, please see the JLPT home page.

If you can read French, you may be also interested in Kanjimots, my Japanese-French methodical lexicon which includes translations for words and kanjis. The JLPT lists are only a raw material, and Kanjimots is the finished product.

Dernière mise à jour : Fri Dec 7 00:53:19 2007.
L'emplacement de cette page est : http://www.thbz.org/kanjimots/jlpt.php3
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